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षट्-पञ्चाशिका in Horary Astrology



षट्-पञ्चाशिका in Horary Astrology.

The Sutra in SHAT PANCHASHIKA, is: वृष सिंह वृश्चिक: घटै: ही विद्धि स्थानं गमगमो नस्त: । न मृतं न चापि नष्टं न रोग-शान्ति: न चाभिभव: ।।

It’s interpretation is that- If Horary Ascendant is a fixed sign, then gain regarding place can be predicted, if it is about an article, then article is not destroyed, if question is about life and death then somebody is not dead or will not die, and in the case of loss-win, they will be winning. However, if the question is about arriving or departing or about recovery from disease, then it will be negative answer. While applying the above sutra we need to keep in mind very carefully the question and also about the particular words spoken and mental state of the client. Let us test the above Sutra. A client put a question on 03/05/1984, Time: 07:05, Place: 20N46, 72E58 :- “Want to buy a residential flat. When it will be possible and how the funds will be arranged?” In question of attainment of places, the role of Rasi/Ascendant is very important.

The astrological data is as follows: Ascendant: Taurus 4 degree (Aquarius Navamsa) with Moon and Rahu in it. 6th House: Libra has Retrograde Saturn. 7th House: Scorpio has Retrograde Mars and Ketu. 8th House: Sagittarius has Retrograde Jupiter. 12th House: Aries has Sun, Venus and Retrograde Mercury.

Result: Ascendant Rasi and Ascendant Navamsa both fixed sign then as per above Sutra of SHAT PANCHASHIKA (षट्-पञ्चाशिका) the answer will be Yes. The desire will be fulfilled. The question of flat relates to the 4th house and 4th lord Sun is placed in his exaltation sign Aries along with Ascendant lord Venus and 2nd lord Mercury. The fulfillment of desire relates to 11th house and it’s lord Jupiter is placed in his own sign Sagittarius and aspects both the Ascendant lord and 4th lord. This also confirms that desire of having flat will be fulfilled soon. To answer “How the funds will be arranged?” we will have to look into the natural significator of wealth Jupiter, which is lord of the fulfillment of desires also, is placed in 8th house. 8th house represents Will (Inheritance), lottery, unearned wealth etc. Hence from the above sources the native will be able to arrange funds. Exactly out of his Share of the Will, the funds arranged by the native.